Cleaning Brushes
Keeping your coffee machine clean is critical for its correct functioning and to reduce future maintenance costs.
We offer the full range of cleaning brushes, and replacement brushes, for your coffee machine, grinder and counter top.
Showing all 5 resultsSorted by price: low to high
Group Head Brush Replacement
These brushes are replacement brushheads for the group head brush. The group head brush is one of the most important brushes to ensure that seals are not impacted by loose coffee grounds because that can have a large impact on pressure and extraction of the coffee in the portafilter. These brushes are both durable and designed with long bristles to reach up into the group head area for complete cleaning.
Grinder and Counter Brush Replacement
This brush is a replacement for the long bristle grinder cleaning brush on the Grinder and Counter Brush. The brush is made from durable bristles to reach deep into the grinder to allow the dislodging of grounds, and allows complete cleaning.
Group Head Brush
Every barista knows that a dirty group head, besides looking bad, also accelerates the erosion of group head seals and results in less than perfect pressure and extraction.
Keep your group heads clean with the group head brush. Brush head replacements are available too.
Steam Wand Brush
This multi tool is used to clean the inside of steam wands and porta filters. It is made of high quality metal and durable brush bristles attached to a handle that allows twisting and can take the forces applied during the cleaning process. No barista should ignore the fact that calcium and milk residue can build up on the inside of the steam wand and coffee grounds can end up on the inside of portafilters and head. This brush will clean them away with ease.
Grinder and Counter Brush
Hand held grinder brush used to reach into the grinder to clean out loose coffee grounds and then turned around, it can be used to sweep groupds off the coffee station. Neat, compact and very useful too for the consumate barista!